Fueling Your Trolltunga Adventure: The Ultimate Hiking Snacks

Embarking on a trek to Trolltunga is an epic adventure, but it's essential to keep your energy levels up along the way. One of the key aspects of a successful hike is choosing the right snacks to keep you going. In this blog post, we'll provide you with tips and suggestions for hiking snacks that are perfect for your journey to Trolltunga, including some local Norwegian specialties.

1. Norwegian Classics: Packed Sandwiches

One of the most Norwegian things you can do on a hike is to pack a hearty sandwich. Simple yet incredibly satisfying, a sandwich with locally sourced ingredients is a great way to fuel up for the hike ahead. Consider using traditional Norwegian brown cheese (Brunost) or salmon with cream cheese for a true taste of Norway. Tips: We at Trolltunga Adventures buys our lunches at the local restaurant Ferskvaren!

2. Trail Mix: The Hiker's Go-To

Trail mix is a hiker's best friend, and it's a great choice for Trolltunga. A mix of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a few chocolate chips can provide the sustained energy you need. You can make your own or pick up a local variety from Norwegian markets.

3. Kvikk Lunsj: Norway's Hiking Chocolate

Kvikk Lunsj, often dubbed as the Norwegian Kit Kat, is a beloved hiking snack in Norway. It's a chocolate-covered wafer that's not only delicious but also easy to carry. Grab a few of these iconic treats to keep your spirits high.

4. Grøt: A Hearty Norwegian Porridge

Consider bringing along some instant oatmeal or "grøt." All you need is hot water, and you'll have a warm and filling snack. Add some local berries, raisins or honey for extra flavor.

5. Dried Fish: A Norwegian Delicacy

For those looking to embrace true Norwegian flavors, try some locally dried fish, such as "tørrfisk." It's a unique snack with a salty, savory taste that can be an acquired pleasure for adventurous hikers.

6. Fresh Fruits: Natural Energy Boosters

Pack some fresh fruits like apples or oranges. They provide hydration, natural sugars, and essential vitamins to keep you going. Just remember to carry out any peels or cores to maintain the Leave No Trace principle.

7. Water: Hydration Is Key

While not a snack, water is perhaps the most crucial item on your Trolltunga packing list. Staying hydrated is vital for endurance. Bring a reusable water bottle and refill it at streams or rivers along the trail, but make sure to purify the water properly.


Fueling your hike to Trolltunga with the right snacks is essential for a safe and enjoyable journey. Whether you opt for Norwegian classics like packed sandwiches or embrace local specialties like Kvikk Lunsj and dried fish, remember to carry your snacks responsibly and follow Leave No Trace principles. With the right fuel, you'll be well-prepared to conquer this iconic Norwegian adventure.

Or would you prefer hiking to Trolltunga and all food, snacks and drinks are already taken care of? Join our guides “all-inlcusive” hikes!


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